(Approx 40-55 mins Full history, Examination, Report of Findings & 1st Treatment)
The purpose of your first visit is to discuss your problem, for us to find the underlying cause of your problem and tell you what we find, then if you are happy with that commence treatment.
We will take a full case history, previous health history, and conduct a thorough orthopaedic neurological and chiropractic specific examination.
So please wear or bring suitable clothing for us to examine you, although we do have gowns if you would prefer. If you are taking any medications, it is useful if you can bring a list of these with you, and if you are like me don’t forget your reading glasses for filling out the forms.
The first treatment normally occurs during your first appointment and will involve a combination of specific adjustment, mobilisations and soft tissue techniques to the spine, joints and muscles in order to help restore normal function, relax muscles, remove strain from ligaments, improve the efficiency of the nervous system and thus relieve pain.
(Approx. 60-70 mins. | Full history | Examination | Report of findings | Initial Exercise Rehabilitation Programme)
If this is your first time seeing us, we will ask you to complete a form about yourself. We will then carry out a musculoskeletal assessment to establish symptoms and any underlying causes such as range of movement, muscle activity or movement patterning. An explanation of findings will be given, and the necessary exercises treatment will be given, taught and demonstrated. With this information and advice, you can make a decision about how we can help with ongoing treatment. This may be review appointments and/or rehabilitation classes. You will receive a free bespoke exercise prescription via email. All movements and exercises will be easily within your abilities or limits.
(Approx 30-40 mins Reiteration of Report of Findings, Plan of Management & 2nd Treatment)
This second treatment session is slightly longer to ensure you have fully understood all the information we give you in your initial consultation. We will also go into more depth on how your plan of management should progress, with your response to the initial treatment.
(Approx. 45-55 mins. | Musculoskeletal Assessment Review | Rehabilitation Care Planning | 1:1 Coaching of Exercise Prescription | Comprehensive Programme )
During this appointment, we will briefly review our previous findings and any additional assessments if required. Based on the findings we will begin creating your bespoke care pathway. I will take you through a range of rehabilitation exercises and movements in our exercise suite, on a 1:1 coached session, covering all of the movements, exercises and techniques covered in the plan. I will coach and teach you correct application, technique and form guided by your current level of ability. The programme will consist of some or all of the following: Mobility, Flexibility, Stability, Movement Patterning, Balance and Proprioception, Coordination, Strength, Muscular Endurance, Plyometric tolerance. Our primary goal is to restore confidence, movement quality, muscle synergy, range of movement and improve daily function whilst reducing symptoms.
You will receive a comprehensive, detailed exercise prescription programme, sent via an exercise prescription software, including clear pictures and videos to be conducted at home or in clinic. We will then develop an ongoing plan with options to receive 1:1 Rehabilitation classes, Group Rehabilitation classes or simply conduct your plan at home with regular 30 minute reviews of your plan.
(Approx 15-25 minutes)
Like a regular work out at the gym, each chiropractic session will build on the one before. You may also be given exercises and other lifestyle advice to complement your treatment, and enable you to enjoy the maximum health benefits.
(Approx 30-40mins) £38 or 8 for 7
This is for clients currently under my care, with an exercise prescription.
I will run a personally tailored rehabilitation session on a 1:1 basis. This will ensure your class is directly suitable for your current and ongoing needs. The sessions will be formed around your symptoms, abilities and will reflect your current programme. The aim of the sessions is to challenge you within your comfort range under direct coaching. The general format will be a therapist lead circuit of targeted exercises. In addition, we will introduce additional areas of development such as, fitness, coordination, balance and proprioception, trunk stability, strength and endurance. I aim to ensure the class is fun, engaging and a manageable challenge, and most importantly rewarding. These classes are ideal for clients who struggle with motivation or time to conduct the programme regularly at home. We may introduce exercises conducted into your existing programme for ongoing development.
(Approx. 30-40 mins. | Recent history | Re examination | Mini report of findings | Treatment )
This is what you will need to book if you are coming to see us about a different complaint to your original one, or if you have not been to see us for over 6 months. We will take an updated medical history and a physical exam before commencing treatment.
(Approx. 20-30 mins. | Review of findings | Review of Programme | Progressions & Alterations to programme | Coaching )
Once a rehabilitation programme has started, we will need to review progress and tailor your plan accordingly. During this appointment we will review your programme and ongoing care plan and address any concerns or difficulties. It is extremely important to review and progress in order to effectively continue to develop. I may also repeat any functional testing, re-measure any musculoskeletal assessments to assess progress made and restore confidence. Following this review, I will teach and coach in detail, any progressions to your programme in the session, and you will receive an updated progressed exercise rehabilitation programme. The number and frequency of review will be discussed and guided by your needs and goals.
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